Monday, December 8, 2014

BANG! It's Pop Art and Onomatopoeia

Students learn about Pop Art and look at the work of Roy Lichtenstein. They also learn about Onomatopoeia and how it is used in comics and cartoons.
Students them choose a word to illustrate and a speech bubble that reflects the word. There are a few different styles of speech and thought bubbles to choose from.

On a 12"x 18" piece of heavy drawing paper or tag board students will draw their speech bubble and cut it out. After practicing a lettering style students can lightly sketch in their word in the center of the bubble.  

Discuss and review the origin of Ben Day dots and what they are. Then using a ruler and Do a Dot markers, students can create a Ben Day Dot style background. The ruler can help keep the dots in line as they go.

Use a thick Sharpie marker to add an outline around the lettering.

Use tempera to paint the interior of the letters.

While the lettering is drying, students can use a colored piece  of construction paper to paint a simple background design on. I would suggest stripes, zig-zags, dots, or some other simple design element.

Use a glue stick to glue the lettering on a piece of 12" x 18" black construction paper and have students carefully cut around the shape of the speech bubble, leaving a bold, black outline.

Use glue to attach the lettering to the painted background. Enjoy!!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Positive and Negative Space Studies

Positive space is the area or part of a painting's composition that the subject occupies. For instance, the positive space could be a vase of flowers in a still life painting, a person's face in a portrait, the trees and hills of a landscape painting. The area around the positive space is called the negative space. (Art Glossary)


Your Sketchbook Assignment:
Create an image in your sketchbook using construction paper and shapes. 
Your design must be SYMMETRICAL. 
What does this mean? Click HERE to learn more.
Follow the instructions below to complete your assignment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Andy Warhol Web Quest

During the Webquest you will
Learn about Pop Art as a style and art movement
l Learn about Andy Warhol 
Review color theory
Use an iPad app to create your own Warhol style portrait

Use the following links to answer the question on the 
Pop Art Worksheet.
lExplore the Andy Warhol Museum online:


lYou will need to complete to complete the Pop Art and Color Theory Worksheet before you can do the project for this lesson.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chihuly Chandeliers and Towers

Learning about Dale Chihuly in Art Class

Students in my 7th and 8th grade Art Electives will be learning about the art of glass blower and sculptor Dale Chihuly! They will be using shrink film, plastic cups and bottles and neon paint to create a sculpture, a chandelier or both! 

The video below shows many beautiful examples of Chihuly's chandeliers and highlights him at work in the studio.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello! My name is Susanna Schlosstein and I will be your student’s Art teacher this year. I am really looking forward to working with you, and I am excited to help your student succeed in my class.
Art class will be an opportunity for your child to express themselves creatively through the visual arts while learning about history and culture from around the world. In the Art Electives your student will explore many art mediums including: pencil, paint, pen and ink, ceramics, print making, sculpture, digital media, and more! I expect that every student will succeed in my class with hard work and a willingness to try. There is no need to be a naturally gifted artist to do well.
I am very excited to be introducing a classroom set of iPads this year. Students in Digital Art will work predominately with the iPads exploring areas such as: painting in layers, photo manipulation, stop motion animation, animated drawings, tessellations, words and images and much more. Students in all other art classes will have many opportunities to enhance their art and their learning experience by utilizing the ipad as a learning tool.
I have created several ways for you to quickly and easily access your child’s artwork and to stay informed about what is happening in art class.
·         Please like my class Facebook page Middle School Art for updates, due dates and artwork postings.
·         Learn more by browsing the art department website
·         Follow my blog -
·         Check out online student galleries and even order products with your student’s artwork on it.
·         View our digital art gallery at Flickr
I have given your son or daughter two important documents. The first document includes a set of guidelines on a matrix that explains how the students can have the most positive learning experience in my classroom. The second document is a technology agreement specific to art class and the use of iPads in the art room. Please take a moment and review both items given to your student. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact me.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation. Again, I am really looking forward to this year and the fun we will have. If you would like to contact me, the school’s phone number is 608-323-7500 or email me at
 I will gladly answer any questions you may have. Thank you!


Susanna J. Schlosstein 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Textured Sea Turtles Grade 2

 Sea Turtle Tutorial

 Begin with two chunks of clay. One approximately the size of a tennis ball and the other approximately the size of a golf ball.

                                                   Roll the larger chunk of clay into a ball.

Separate the smaller chunk into 5 pieces to be used for the head and flippers.

Check out the texture on the bottom of your shoe.

Set the ball of clay on a board and place it on the floor. Use medium to heavy pressure to step on your clay impressing the texture into the clay.

Lift your foot and observe the texture!

 Have students write their names on the bottom of the turtles body. 

Take a smaller chunk of clay to use for the head.

Roll it into a ball shape.

With the remaining pieces, form a cone shape shape with a flat bottom.

Use your thumbs to apply pressure, flattening out the cone to create a flipper shape.

Slightly bend the flipper for a more realistic look.

With the body, use the thumb and finger to pinch a tail.

Now it is time to attach the head and flippers. Use a serrated rib or any other tool to score the surface of the clay for joining. It is important to score or scratch both surfaces that will be joined.

Scored and ready to be joined.

Use a small amount of water to moisten the scored areas. This will create a slip (glue) for joining.

Put the two pieces together. Use firm pressure.

Turn the turtle over and blend the pieces together to ensure they are attached.

Attach the rest of the body parts using the "scratch and attach" method.

With pen caps or other tools create a face and any addition detail you would like to see on your turtle.

Allow to dry for 5 -7 days and paint or glaze to finish.