Students learn about Pop Art and look at the work of Roy Lichtenstein. They also learn about Onomatopoeia and how it is used in comics and cartoons.
Students them choose a word to illustrate and a speech bubble that reflects the word. There are a few different styles of speech and thought bubbles to choose from.
On a 12"x 18" piece of heavy drawing paper or tag board students will draw their speech bubble and cut it out. After practicing a lettering style students can lightly sketch in their word in the center of the bubble.
Discuss and review the origin of Ben Day dots and what they are. Then using a ruler and Do a Dot markers, students can create a Ben Day Dot style background. The ruler can help keep the dots in line as they go.
Use a thick Sharpie marker to add an outline around the lettering.
Use tempera to paint the interior of the letters.
While the lettering is drying, students can use a colored piece of construction paper to paint a simple background design on. I would suggest stripes, zig-zags, dots, or some other simple design element.
Use a glue stick to glue the lettering on a piece of 12" x 18" black construction paper and have students carefully cut around the shape of the speech bubble, leaving a bold, black outline.
Use glue to attach the lettering to the painted background. Enjoy!!!!!